Sunday, October 21, 2007

Update & Back In Business

In other news, I've separated from "The Man" and moved into a very small little place about an hour away. There's barely enough room for myself and the wonder dog's crate. But we're keeping up with our fashion experiments. Unfortunately, the wonderdog tends to be more involved than she'd like to be merely due to proximity.

I hired my mom to take care of the business books and she's gone Etsy nutz. I should have known that Etsy would get under her skin. We now have several shops and are expanding as we speak. Check 'em out!
South Paw Creations
We've got one for grown up clothing, one for kids clothing, one for supplies, and one for all the items that we can't figure out their particular category. Then there's also my daughter's shop and my mom's quilted items too! Really, with Christmas comming up we've got something for everyone. I'm stoked.Since she's been in charge, sales have doubled and we've been in 4, COUNT EM! FOUR, treasurys!
Now I just have to clear off a small space to sew and I'll be able to contribute more. But first things first. HALLOWEEN! and costumes, costumes, to come.

Stitch N Bitch

Last night was our first ever Knit Night. 16 people RSVPd! I was over whelmed at the response. There was no way I was going to fit all those people in my tiny little place so we moved it to a friends house. All went well. You know something? I didn't knit one single stitch. LOL. But several people went home with new scarf projects and one woman was even inspired to buy some sock yarn! It felt great teaching people to knit. We talked about "the face" and how you couldn't possibly be doing it right if you weren't making a horrible concentration face. We also decided that knitting was now "in."

So, in preparation for last night's party I went through all my yarn. I thought I couldn't possibly have that much yarn. I was wrong. Here's a picture of only the yarn that I don't have ear-marked for projects. AK! I think these things are mating in my closet and multiplying! I have to make some scarves and sweaters, or something to use up all of the bulky yarn that's taking up so much room on my dining table.

Lately, I've been concentrating on socks. For some reason I've fallen in love with them and I've done nothing else. The sock on the right was done without a pattern. The problem now is that I can't remember what I did to make it look this way and I've got a drastic case of Second-Sock-Sindrome going with these now. So...I went and started the Pomotamus socks from Pomatomus This is an amazing pattern. But those crazy people on the knitlist who are knitting them two at a time are into sick self-torture!!! No offense intended.

Also, here's a tip fr the day. Those plastic sleeves that the circular needles come in are perfect for storing your dpn's. (grin)

And my question for the blog-o-sphere: Has anyone ever used rosewood dpn's? I picked these up because I loved the look of them, but I haven't tried them yet. Do they break more easily? They sure are beautiful and they have a wonderful texture. I can't wait to put something one I need another project.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Treasury! Treasury! Treasury!

DeChon Designs made it into our first ever tresury on Etsy. I tried to get a picture of it on the blog but I wasn't quick enough! Phew! Those things go so fast!

Thread Bangers